Passage of 20th Amendment seeking creation of Hazara and Seraiki provinces will be an anti-Pakistan move. It will lead to more provinces. It is a sinister move against solidarity of the country. The ill-conceived amendment shall be beginning of dismemberment of what remained of Jinnah’s Pakistan broken into two in1971 by an evil nexus of self serving politicians and others.Pakistan was not created for Punjabis, Sindhis, Pathans or Baluchis etc. Pakistan was created for Muslims and others living therein. We suffered untold hardships, deprivation, police brutalities and lathi charges during Pakistan Movement for a homeland of our own. The wounds healed. But the scars stayed. They give us pain whenever something untoward happens to our dear country. Today we are brought to the brink of disintegration by vested interests of rulers and their cohorts. This scribe feels terribly hurt like thousands of other surviving founders of Pakistan, at the 20th amendment threatening dismemberment of the country. The country rulers are enjoying power, perks, privileges and prestige as presidents, prime ministers, ministers and legislators etc are doing nothing. By passing the anti-Pakistan 20th amendment they will be paving the way for their own banishment and possible loss of a homeland for 180 million Pakistanis. May God save us from the corrupt, self-serving and greedy rulers.