Wednesday, 16 January 2013

Bilderberg Bangs War Drums; Pushes Obama to Bomb Iran

By James P. Tucker Jr.
Bilderberg luminary Dennis Ross celebrated Christmas by banging his war drums in a campaign to prod President Barack Obama into killing Palestinians and Iranians on behalf of Israel. Americans would, again, spill most of the blood and would finance the military operation. Israel will pay a share of thecosts with your tax dollars.
In a Bilderberg-staged interview with The Washington Post published on December 23, Ross, who was an advisor to President Obama, made the case for invading Iran in 2013. Ross embraced the earlier warhawking by Senators John McCain (R-Ariz.) and Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.).
After seven years of war talk but no gunfire, 2013 will “finally bring a break in the Iranian standoff—by means of a military confrontation, the appearance of an Iranian bomb or a diplomatic deal of some kind,” Jackson Diehl wrote of his interview with Ross. “And interestingly, one of the people making that case is Obama’s first-term advisor on Iran, Dennis Ross, who has worked on the Middle East in five administrations.”
Ross said three factors point to war on Iran: “an approaching Iranian ‘breakout’ capacity; Obama’s stated determination to prevent it; and the slow emergence of an economic and political climate in Iran that could prompt Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei to change course.”
In a series of meetings with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Obama said publicly, “It is unacceptable for Iran to have a nuclear weapon.” Ross added, “If by the end of 2013 diplomacy hasn’t worked, the prospects for the use of force becomes quite high.”
Iran signed on to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) and passes inspections each year. Israel is known to have a huge nuclear weapons stockpile dating back decades but refuses to sign the NPT and is never inspected.
