Saturday, 21 July 2012


A recent CNBC clip in which financial analysts admit to viewers that America is under the control of a group of central bankers who are building a world government is a damning insight into how the establishment has dispensed with any pretense of trying to hide their agenda as it is finalized.

During the video, the host asks guests, “Do we all work for central bankers – is this global governance at last – is it one world – the central bankers in charge….aren’t we all just living and dying for what the central banks do?”
“To answer your question, we are absolutely slaves to central banks,” responds the guest.
“We beholden to what central bankers and policy makers do rather than the fundamentals in the economy,” adds another.
This is just one of a deluge of examples where it is now being thrown in our faces that a banking elite is building a world government at the expense of the American people.
From treating the issue as a “conspiracy theory” for decades, the establishment is now tearing away the veil in an effort to force Americans to blithely accept what has been planned all along.
A global government is now being forcefully pushed as the “solution” to all manner of problems, but specifically in relation to financial crisis. We are being brainwashed to accept the premise that centralized power in the hands of a tiny elite is the only recourse, and that a one world currency is inevitable.
At the height of the last economic crisis, Bilderberg member and Financial Times columnist Gideon Rachman argued that “everything is in place” for a dictatorial world government to be imposed by a technocratic elite.
Rachman’s 2008 call for authoritarian technocrats to be put in charge of the global economy in preparation for the official birth of global government is now well on its way to completion, with the economies of France, Ireland, Germany, Belgium, Italy, Greece, along with the IMF and the European Central Bank, all under goldman sachs banker occupation.
These technocrats have not been bashful in openly announcing what they are doing.
Upon his selection to become EU President in 2009, Herman Van Rompuy announced that the financial crisisand efforts to combat global warming were designed to precede “the global management of our planet.” He also declared 2009 to be “the first year of global governance.”
In the same year, Van Rompuy was joined by the Pope who also called  for a “world political authority” to manage the global economy.
World Bank President and Bilderberg elitist Robert Zoellick also openly admitted the plan to eliminate national sovereignty and impose a global government during a speech on the eve of the G20 summit.
Calls for a one world currency to be a key component of global governance have been consistent.
In 2000 speech, member of the executive board of the ECB, Sirkka Hämäläinen stated, “In conclusion, I should like to come back to Paul Volcker’s prophecy. He might be right, and we might one day have a single world currency. Maybe European integration, in the same way as any other regional integration, could be seen as a step towards the ideal situation of a fully integrated world.”
In a 2010 speech to the CFR, former president of the ECB Jean-Claude Trichet made it clear that the Global Economy Meeting (GEM), which meets at the BIS (Bank of International Settlements) headquarters in Basel would “become the prime group for global governance among central banks.”
Trichet added that the BIS meetings were ensuring that “the system is moving decisively towards genuine global governance.”
Trichet went on to define how global governance would operate.
“There are numerous definitions of global governance. In the economic and financial sphere I will propose that global governance comprehends not only the constellation of supranational institutions – including the international financial institutions – but also the informal groupings that have progressively emerged at the global level. Those informal forums (G7, G10, G20, etc.) are key in improving global coordination in all the areas where decision making processes remain national – whether in helping to work out agreed prudential standards and codes or to facilitate where appropriate, the coordination of economic macro-policies.”
Numerous other members of the political establishment have openly expressed the agenda to create global government. not only in response to the financial crisis but also as an answer to man-made climate change.
In 2009, United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon admitted that carbon taxes levied in the name of abating global warming would be collected by a world body.
“We will establish a global governance structure to monitor and manage the implementation of this,” he stated.
In a new yorek times editorial entitled “We Can Do It,” Ki-moon also wrote that efforts to impose restrictions on CO2 emissions, “Must include an equitable global governance structure.”
Fellow globalist and environmentalist David De Mayer Rothschild also disclosed the agenda for global governancein an interview with Bloomberg news.
“It’s past the point of talking. We know historically that the global governance sort of agenda to these issues is very hard to… with all the best intentions it’s very hard to actually activate.” Rothschild noted.
Similarly, Al Gore said in a 2009 speech that attempts to regulate CO2 emissions would be driven through “global governance and global agreements.”
a 2010 UN blueprint for putting the organization back at the forefront of global governance alarmingly revealed the agenda to re-brand global warming as “overpopulation” as a means of dismantling the middle classes while using “global redistribution of wealth” and increased immigration to reinvigorate the pursuit of a one world government.
Bureaucrats at the 2011 UN Climate Summit in Durban outlined plans for the most draconian, harebrained and madcap climate change treaty ever produced, under which the west would be mandated to respect “the rights of Mother Earth” by paying a “climate debt” which would act as a slush fund for bankrolling an all-powerful world government.
Earlier this year a Scientific American article entitled Effective World Government Will Be Needed to Stave Off Climate Catastrophe argued that global management of the planet was the only means of combating global warming.
Although the agenda for global government is now bearing its teeth with little regard for subtleness or stealth, the following quotes stretching back over the last several decades prove that the plan has been long in the works.
“Today America would be outraged if UN troops entered Los Angeles to restore order. Tomorrow they will be grateful. When presented with this scenario, individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well-being granted to them by the World Government.”
henry kissinger
“We are grateful to the washington post, The new york times, Time Magazine and their great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries.”
David Rockefeller
“In the next century, nations as we know it will be obsolete; all states will recognize a single global authority and realize national sovereignty wasn’t such a great deal after all.”
Strobe Talbot
“We need a global New Deal — a grand bargain between the countries and continents of this world.”
Gordon Brown
“It seems to many of us that if we are to avoid the eventual catastrophic world conflict we must strengthen the united nations as a first step toward a world government patterned after our own government with a legislature, executive and judiciary, and police to enforce its international laws and keep the peace. To do that, of course, we Americans will have to yield up some of our sovereignty. That would be a bitter pill. It would take a lot of courage, a lot of faith in the new order. Pat Robertson has written in a book a few years ago that we should have a world government, but only when the Messiah arrives. He wrote, literally, any attempt to achieve world order before that time must be the work of the devil. Well, join me. I’m glad to sit here at the right hand of Satan.”
Walter Cronkite
“This is global governance in the making. But we must agree, and agree to a binding commitment.”
George Papandreou, former Prime Minister of Greece
“For the first time, humanity is instituting a genuine instrument of global governance. From the very earliest age, we should make environmental awareness a major theme of education and a major theme of political debate, until respect for the environment comes to be as fundamental as safeguarding our rights and freedoms. By acting together, by building this unprecedented instrument, the first component of an authentic global governance, we are working for dialogue and peace.”
Jacques Chirac
“For more than a century ideological extremists at either end of the political spectrum have seized upon well-publicized incidents such as my encounter with Castro to attack the Rockefeller family for the inordinate influence they claim we wield over American political and economic institutions. Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists’ and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure – one world, if you will. If that’s the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.”
David Rockefeller, from his own book, Memoirs.


Perhaps the greatest unknown fact about life on Planet Earth concerns the MEDIA, and in particular, the MAINSTREAM MEDIA (MSM).
The etymology of Media takes us back to the time of the ancient Persian Empire to a people known as the Medes. According to Herodotus, there were six primary Mede tribes or castes. Of these six Median tribes, it is the Magi who have distinguished the Medes because of their prominent place and influential role within their society.
“The sixth tribe were the Magi…They were a hereditary caste of priests of the Zurvanism religion that evolved out of Zoroastrianism. The name Magi implies a link with the Sumerians, who called their language Emegir, over time becoming simplified to Magi.”[1]
As implied, the word magic is derived from the name of this priestly class because of their capability to produce what would be considered magic within their culture. Also known as the “Enchanters of Old”, these experts in astrology, alchemy, and geomancy exercised great power within Persian society. Their esoteric knowledge allowed them to exert great influence over the common man as is often the case with those who possess the ability to predict and prophesy.
“Magi (Latin plural of magus; Ancient Greek: μάγος magos; Old Persian: maguš, Persian: مُغ‎ mogh; English singular magian, mage, magus, magusian, magusaean) is a term, used since at least the 4th century BC, to denote followers of Zoroaster, or rather, followers of what the Hellenistic world associated Zoroaster with, which was – in the main – the ability to read the stars, and manipulate the fate that the stars foretold.”
(Per Wikipedia)
Of course, over the span of centuries “the term ‘magian’ acquired a negative connotation and was associated with tricksters and conjurers.” Hence, we see the direct connection to those in the modern day mainstream ‘media’ who conjure up false stories in order to trick the nations of the world into perpetual war. This media-driven, geo-political dynamic is at the very root of almost six thousand years of human history. And, yes, it is ‘His Story’ much more than ‘Her Story’ since men really do seem to come from Mars, as most women seem to come from Venus.
Since the very notion of war has been so hardwired into the genes of humanity over eons, the Universe has seen to it that there will be intermittent times to practice up on the battlefield known as Planet Earth. The very purpose of the Iron Age was to fashion weapons of war out of iron which would go on to define the hard and cold nature of our ‘civilization’. Steel is very hard and cold. It is also ubiquitous in its many uses throughout every sphere of life. A double-edged sword can cut both ways — for good and ill. And so we have seen … everywhere across the land.
The Kali Yuga is the Age of Conflict
It is important to understand that the Iron Age is analogous to the Kali Yuga. They are essentially one and the same. Since conflict is the defining nature of the Kali Yuga (just look at recorded human history), and war is the quintessential form of conflict, LOTS of wars have been started and fought throughout this final age of a 60,000 year epoch. This is where the MEDIA comes in. And especially its capacity for deceit and deception in the interest of starting wars by those who ultimately control the MSM.
When it’s understood that the Mainstream MEDIA[2], was conceived and designed to trick the masses into fighting each other, it will have much less hold over those who become aware. However, we are talking about one of the foundational forces of creation known as Maya. Maya is the very essence of illusion, and very difficult for even the best among us to penetrate. Admittedly, the Cosmic Convergence Research Group is tricked and trapped by its two-facedness treachery every single day, so powerful is its capacity to weave webs of illusion.
When A War Is Destined To Be Fought There Is No Stopping It
This is a very unhappy statement, we know; but completely true nevertheless. Think about the role of the MSM in the run up to the War in Iraq in 2003. Everyone knew it was based on bald-faced lies, contrived falsehoods and miscellaneous fabrications. And yet it proceeded in the face of great worldwide opposition. A very unfortunate situation indeed, especially in light of the current predicament in Iraq.
Were one to dissect the entire role of the MSM in the execution of this crime against humanity, its culpability would be quite obvious and thoroughly damning. Simply put, without the media there would not have been a blatant war of aggression waged upon the people of Iraq. Ditto that for Afghanistan … and Libya … and Serbia … and Pakistan … and Viet Nam … and Korea … … …
As the title of this essays implies, whoever controls the media controls the switch for starting and ending every war, conflict and minor skirmish, anywhere on the planet. About this fact of of life, there is no doubt. Likewise, we see on the flip side of ‘peace’ that the MSM controls the myriad conflicts and dramas which abound in every form of media, even throughout the alternative news media (through the process of media referral and reflex*). How difficult is it to separate fact from fiction on so many alternative sites? Many websites have been co-opted and don’t even know it. Unwittingly, some alternative sites serve the very same purpose as the MSM of which they profess their vow to expose.
*Alternative media reflex is the anticipated reaction of the alternative media to fake stories in the MSM which often serves to legitimize them. MSMedia referral is the outright exportation of fraudulent stories from the MSM to the alternative media carried with more ‘depth and context’ thereby giving them credibility.
When we say that there is no stopping the force of destiny, particularly with regard to the waging of war, what are we really saying?
By way of illustration, we need only to look at the presidential elections of 2000 and 2004. In both instances, the MSM played the vital role in ensuring that each election would be stolen outright by a proud warmonger. Even though votes were not properly counted, a supreme court rubber stamps an obviously fraudulent election. However, there are two critical points which cannot be overlooked. Each concerns the inviolable laws karma and destiny.
I. A nation always gets the leadership it deserves per the laws of national karma and the outworking of personal destinies. No exceptions granted except by highly exceptionalDivine Decree.
II. The leadership, which guarantees that war will be waged when its time has come, will always be installed regardless of the illegal or immoral means when it is time for war to be declared.
This second statement is a tough one, especially for all us peacemakers. Let’s fast forward to 2008 and evaluate what the Noble Peace Prize winner Barack Obama has done in the war department??? Let’s take a very close look at Afghanistan … Iraq … Iran … Pakistan … Libya … Syria … Honduras (rubber stamped a coup d’etat) … Paraguay (rubber stamped a coup d’etat) … as well as the numerous, clandestine acts of USA militarism all over Africa.
The Biggest Culprit of ’em all
When the Old Gray Lady* – the new york times – is responsible for starting more wars than any other single newspaper in world history, you know we have a serious problem. The NYT is supposed to be the bastion of liberal, progressive, democratic thought and sentiment (supposedly anti-war???) … and yet it is directly responsible for more wartime deaths worldwide than any other print media on the face of the planet … for all time!
he new york times allowed reporter Judith Miller to use its front pages to sell War against Iraq by way of naked warmongering and bellicose yellow journalism. Miller’s pre-war coverage contained perhaps the most obvious prevarications in post WWII journalism history. Practically everyone knew she was lying for the Chickenhawks, and yet the nation shamelessly proceeded to war!
*The Gray Lady, [is] a nickname for The New York Times newspaper, referring to its historical tendency to present a higher-than-usual proportion of text to graphics … Nicknamed “the Old Gray Lady”, and long regarded within the industry as a national “newspaper of record” … It is the third largest newspaper overall, behind The wall streat journal and USA Today … The NYT has won 108 Pulitzer Prizes, more than any news organization. (Per Wikipedia)
The spinning of webs and weaving of illusions is so strong that a sitting president is allowed to routinely kill, maim and paralyze the people of Pakistan any time they are labelled a terrorist threat. Now that’s pretty strong matrika shakti at work, isn’t it? That peace-loving ex-hippies and former beatniks would sit by idly and support a government policy or political agenda or elected official whose record is that of a cold blooded murderer is as strong a testament as one could provide toward revealing the true power of the press.
Matrika Shakti is the power
What is matrika shakti? It is the very power inherent in the word. Each letter, each word, each phrase, each sentence possesses its own matrika shakti or power (energy). When strung together in a certain way, these words will compel men to pick up a gun and thoughtlessly kill other men — without the least bit of hesitancy and often with zeal — in a foreign land.
What are we really saying as to what the MSM might be shaping up during this 2nd great depression that keeps getting ‘greater’. Perhaps the following quote from “Special Message to the Market Oracles and Money Masters of the Universe” suffices in this regard.
HINT: Let’s get serious for a moment. Most of us know by now that the Crash of ’29, as well as the great depression that followed, were the main events of an intricately engineered financial and economic armageddon calculated as a necessary prelude to the real Armageddon known as WWII. Historically speaking, a man without a job, or prospects for employment in his homeland, is much more likely to hire himself out to his guvment as a mercenary fighting in a foreign land. Hasn’t this been their (TPTW)* formula for both war and wealth creation for eons?! Although it has always worked like a charm, wethinks the charm has finally worn out. Yes, that old fashioned Hegelian dialectic based ‘problem – reaction – solution’ MO has seen its final days. We also think their misbegotten plan to foist WWIII upon us has somehow been thwarted by the real TPTB. Yes, they’ve finally been snoockered!
*The Powers That Were
The internet has permitted the establishment of an alternative news media much of which is thoroughly dedicated to the dissemination of real facts, unvarnished truth and heretofore secret information. Therefore, the playing field has been leveled like never before, though it is still tilted in the TPTW’s favor. As more become digitally connected and disconnect from the MSM, the old media paradigm loses power.
Given the awesome proliferation of cyber technology, there does exist the likelihood of a sufficient number of souls setting up their own platform within their own cyber-space. As this organic, grassroots, global initiative expands throughout civil society, we may see a tipping point in regard to who will control the predominant media of the future. Only at that point of media evolution will we see the real change that so many long for.
Like we said: Whoever Controls The Media Controls The World
