Thursday, 4 October 2012

New World Order v. Old World Order: The Battle for World Power

The European Union and the Spanish Economic Minister Luis de Guindos have had secret talksconcerning the restructuring of Spain’s austerity cutbacks on education and health care pre-bailout wherein the nation will lose its sovereignty to theInternational Monetary Fund (IMF), the European Commission and the European Central Bank.
This sovereign land-grab by the central banking cartels is mirrored in a recent Goldman Sachs report:“The more the Spanish administration indulges domestic political interests … the more explicit conditionality is likely to be demanded.” In other words the technocrats working for the Zionists are acquiring each country in the EuroZone.
In response, the citizens of Spain took to the streets in protest with signs reading: “We can’t take any more.” More than 6,000 demonstrators gathered before the Spanish Parliament in Madrid as an estimated 1,000 riot police readied to prevent the citizens from entering the compound. Demonstrators threw bottles, stones and beat down police who got in their way. Despite the batons and menacing paramilitary gear worn by the police, the Spaniards would not be deterred. 
The people of Spain have been reduced to searching through rubbish bins for their next meal. With the average unemployment reported as 50% and nearly 2 million people being fed by charities, theausterity measures are cutting jobs, salaries, pension funds and benefits as the economy dissolves. Increasing poverty is causing an obvious run-on-the-bank in Spain which reduces the amount of cash in the central banking system to the tune of an estimate $94 billion in July which is equal to 7% of Spain’s economic output.
The technocrats are injecting 100 billion euros into the banks in Spain to prop up the debt and increase the destructive effects of this march toward relinquishing sovereign debt to the Zionists.
The European Central Bankers agreed to give any nation in the Euro-Zone a bailout if they agreed to hand over the country to them under the guise of “new rules and conditions when applying for assistance.”
In Greece, demonstrators came out in Athens by the thousands todemand their government discontinue the systematic destruction of their country under new austerity reforms. Police in riot gear reported that the protesters threw Molotov cocktails and took aim at the Greek parliament building. They were met with tear gas.
The Greek government agreed to the technocratic demands for sovereign debt in exchange for the bailout which will push the Greek economy further down with more fiat pumped into the system. Meanwhile, the citizens of Greece will lose their independence, benefits and become serfs to the central banking cartels.
The violent reaction in Spain and Greece has sent a clear message to the Federal Reserve bank: they cannot pull the same stunt in America.
As America drifts downstream toward economic implosion, the Federal Reserve headed by Ben Bernanke has chosen a different approach. They unveiled QE3 last week as a pump and dump scheme to prop up the US dollar by printing cash that is backed by nothing, while purchasing the mortgage-backed securities from the same banks that created the scandal and acquiring land in a massive land-grab; the likes of which have never been seen in the US.
The central bankers working for the Zionists know that their fiat is based on nothing. They are in the process of converting their cash into hard assets. In the Euro-Zone this looks like Greece and Spain handing over sovereign debt. In the US, it looks like Bernanke buying mortgage-backed securities and becoming the biggest landowner America has ever seen. In this methodology, the technocrats are solidifying their position in the race toward One World Government.
The other side of this conflict is called the non-aligned nations or BRICs. This coalition of independent countries are moving away from the central banking-controlled US dollar and dealing in precious metals – mainly gold.
In January of this year, India began buying gold to prop-up their fiat and use the precious metal in lieu of the US dollar to buy petrol from Iran. In fact, India is the second largest purchaser of Iranian oil. The country spends near $12 billion US dollars per year. That amounts to over 200 tons of gold.
Hillary Clinton, US Secretary of State travelled to India in May to warn the Indian government against continuing to purchase Iranian oil in gold. Clinton claimed that there is enough petrol in the global marketplace (thanks to the Saudi Arabian government) where the US dollar is used as the global reserve currency and that India should purchase their oil there.
Just to make sure India got the message, Clinton threatened that al-Qaeda operatives could instigate terroristic attacks if India did not compromise.
The creation of the BRICs nations was to coalesce countries into a New World Order (NWO) to subvert the Old World Order (OWO). Their purpose is to “end poverty, halt environmental destruction and release previously suppressed technology in a highly responsible manner.” Included in the NWO are Russia, China, India, Brazil and South Africa. They are creating alternate currencies and backing them with gold to subvert the OWO who are the central banking-controlled countries such as the US, the Euro-Zone, Australia, Canada.
The OWO are controlled by the Zionist regime and central bankers. The NWO is teaming up with many Middle Eastern nations such as Iran and Syria to gain footing and natural resources. In South Africa, this area contains enormous deposits of diamonds, cobalt, copper, uranium, magnesium and tin. Over $1 billion dollars of gold are mined each year.
This fact sparked the Kony2012 debacle which leads to AFRICOM and Obama infiltrating the area to gain control over their continent’s natural resources.
Vice Admiral Robert T. Moeller openly declared AFRICOM’s guiding principle as protecting “the free flow of natural resources from Africa to the global market.” Moeller also mentioned China’s presence in the region as a “challenge” to American interests. He was referring to the deals China was making with the African nations in exchange and boarder for their resources. Where the US chose to invade a sovereign nation with the intention of stealing their resources, the Chinese used diplomacy; and as Moeller explained, this was a disruption to their scheme.
As is evidenced in the recent comments made by the Zionist-controlled puppet Patrick Clawson, director of research at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, “I do not believe that Obama can get us into war.”
Clawson is referring to the use of sanction placed on Iran. Sanctions hurt the citizens of a nation, not the elite or members of the government being sanctioned. The purpose of the sanctions against Iran was to facilitate an uprising just as was manufactured in Egypt with the Arab Spring which toppled the government and allowed the US to install their Muslim Brotherhood operative Mohammed Morsi.
Concerning Iran, AIPAC coerced the US Congress to impose stricter sanctions on Iran with HR 1905and the desire to inspire the revolution of Iranian citizens against their government. However, this plan did not work. Obama’s decision to use “diplomacy” against Iran is frustrating Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu who is calling for a military strike on the sovereign nation as soon as possible – preferably before November elections in the US.
In the battle over which faction will rule the world, the OWO are using proxy war in Syria, sanctions on Iran and all the technocratic power at their disposal to defeat the NWO (i.e. the BRICs nations). To combat this effort, the NWO is backing their fiat currency in gold and preparing to go to war to secure their place in the hierarchy. Russia and China have clearly stated in the press that they demand that the Zionist regime, through efforts by the US and Israeli governments, cease their terrorism of Syria and Iran.
The central-banking cartels have aided in the systematic implosion of the Euro-Zone and the US economies by manufacturing fake debt through manipulation of the global markets and injecting untold trillions of dollars of securitized toxic assets to coerce sovereign debt from those nations that have “bought” into the system.
Globalists like the Institute of International Finance (IIF), a group of technocrats that represent 420 banking cartels and financing houses have joined the cry for a one world currency. This ideal is the next step for the technocrats in their march toward global dominance.
Charles Dallara, managing director of the IIF, said: “A core group of the world’s leading economies needs to come together and hammer out an understanding. The narrowly focused unilateral and bilateral policy actions seen in recent months – including many proposed and actual measures on trade, currency intervention and monetary policy – have contributed to worsening underlying macroeconomic imbalances. They have also led to growing protectionist pressures as countries scramble for export markets as a source of growth.”
At the same time, China was stockpiling gold to back-up their fiat currency. The purpose is to secure their country’s future by converting fiat to exchangeable currency, as well as use it as a leveraging tool to assist failing nations as insurance for a favor at a later date.
The central bankers are intentionally destroying the US dollar because out of the ashes, they have planned a global fiat that will eventually replace all fiat across the globe.
The NWO is fighting against this by directing the precious metals market through acquisition, setting up trade within the BRICs nations for equal distribution of worth of sovereign nation’s fiat and backing Iran and Syria against the Zionist regime.

Israel and US Use False Flags and Race-Specific Bioweapons to Attack Iran

Zionist-patsy and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is warning the UN General Assembly that the world must stop Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon. He has become impatient with President Obama who appears to not want to join in on the Zionist endeavor to destroy the Islamic world.
An anonymous Israeli official claims: “Israel and the U.S. have a common goal to prevent Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons. The prime minister’s remarks drawing a red line will help that this is attained.”
The Israeli Foreign Ministry released a report that states Iran is being hurt economically by US sanctions. Iranian oil sales are steadily reclining and their central bank has cut off their access to fiat currency. This is why Iran has chosen to trade gold with China, India and Russia for petrol.
The Zionist regime are continuously decrying that Iran has a nuclear weapon. However, this old gamethey are playing and the American public’s memory may be too short to recall how many times this lie has been perpetrated. In the past, there have been several claims by Israeli Prime Minister and globalist puppet Benjamin Netanyahu and other supporters of the lie that Iran was on the precipice of having a nuclear weapon.
  • In 1992, Netanyahu predicts that Iran was “3 to 5 years” from having a nuclear weapon.
  • In 1992, Israeli Foreign Minister Shimon Peres predicts an Iranian nuclear warhead by 1999 to French TV.
  •  In 1995, New York Times reports US and Israel claim Iran would have the bomb by 2000.
  • In 1998, speaking before Congress Donald Rumsfeld proclaims Iran could have an intercontinental ballistic missile that could hit the US by 2003.
The reality is that between 1985 and 2002 the Israeli Ministry of Defense used shell corporations to smuggle nuclear triggers from the US. One of the operatives, Richard Kelly Smith, met with Netanyahu who worked for one of the shell corporations calledHeli Trading Company and was an integral part of the smuggling ring.
At the UN General Assembly, Obama asserted:“Make no mistake. A nuclear-armed Iran is not a challenge that can be contained. It would threaten the elimination of Israel, the security of Gulf nations, and the stability of the global economy. That is why a coalition of countries is holding the Iranian government accountable. And that is why the United States will do what we must to prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon.”
Russian President Vladimir Putin does not agree with the Zionist agenda in the Middle East. Putinsaid: “Attempts to replace the universal principles of the U.N. Charter by unilateral actions or partisan deals, moreover to use force bypassing the U.N. do not do any good, as is well known.”
The manufactured civil unrest in the Middle East is a clear case of external interference, according to Putin. “Incitement of violence in different forms in order to change the regime only pushes the situation into a dead end. Violence creates violence.”
In the US, at the Washington Institute for Near East Studies, an extension of the Zionist-lobby AIPAC, NeoCon Patrick Clawson is “suggesting” that a false flag involving an Iranian submarine take place in order to get the US into a war with Iran. Clawson said: “I mean, look people – Iranian submarines go down all the time. What if one of them did not come back up? Who would know why?”
Another method of covert operations is the Israeli-sponsored bioweapon called the new SARS . This virus is race-specific, genetically engineered to attack those of Arab descent, and the brainchild of the Israeli and British governments.
The original SARS was clearly a genetically created bioweapon. It had spliced elements of human, cow and mouse viruses which is not possible in nature.
The Zionist-controlled Israeli government has been trying to identify specific genes carried by human of Arab descent in order to create a race-specific bioweapon that would covertly be exposed to Arab populations in order to commit a massive ethnic cleansing. Anonymous Israeli and US intelligence sources claimed that a genetically modified bacterium/virus was being developed as a bio-weapon that could be spread through the air or water supply.
The focus would be certain Arab communities. Dedi Zucker, Israeli parliament member explained: “Morally, based on our history, and our tradition and our experience, such a weapon is monstrous and should be denied.”
Israeli Defense, working with a British defense facility at Porton Down asserts that that this race-specific bio-weapon is possible.
At a previous meeting in New York, at the UN General Assembly, Netanyahu and Obama discussed their plans to use military and propaganda to justify and cover their agenda against Iran.
In their scenario, Obama will inform Congress in writing that he will use military force against Iran in response to their alleged nuclear weapons program. In asking for their approval, Obama could be enabled to circumvent their decision.
It is decided that Obama will speak in Israel just weeks before the US elections wherein he will devote the US military to Israel’s plan to attack sovereign Islamic nations. Paralleling this strategy, the federal intelligence and surveillance agencies in the US will be “upgraded” so that regardless of who is elected this November, the US government will be equipped with the necessary resources to attack Iran.
This is slated for the spring of 2013.

The Zionist-Controlled Ministers of Terrorism Manufacture the Demolition of Syria

Earlier this week, at the UN General Assembly’s annual ministerial meeting the accusation that the US and Israel are “aiding terrorists” was voiced by Syrian representative al-Moallem. He said: “This terrorism which is externally supported is accompanied by unprecedented media provocation based on igniting religious extremism sponsored by well-known states in the region that facilitate the flow of arms, money and fighters through the borders of some neighboring countries.”

The Syrian National Council, a front proxy group with ties to the Bilberberg Group, claimed it is impossible to have a “genuine political dialogue” with Syria. They retorted that al-Moallem is purveying propaganda for the Syrian government.
Al-Mollem maintains that the US and Israeli interference in Syria and their quest through proxy war to bring down Assad’s government are disregarding “the domestic affairs of Syria, and the unity of its people and its sovereignty.”
Proxy fighting in Damascus has destroyed the Old City, a World Heritage Site under UNESCO. According to the UN and activists working for non-governmental organizations (NGOs) there have been between 20,000 and 30,000 people killed in this 19 month battle.
Earlier this year, in Damascus, the Syrian “Stonehenge” was blocked off to researchers. Scientists had been unable to explore the ruins unearthed in 2009 due to the Zionists manufacturing conflicts.
Robert Mason, archaeologist for the Royal Ontario Museum, believes that these ruins date back to the Neolithic period or the Bronze Age. The stones are artificially arranged in “what looked like a landscape for the dead and not for the living. Something that needs more work and I don’t know if that’s ever going to happen.’
At the Summit of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation in August, Muslim leaders engaged in conversation concerning that Syrian “situation”. They suspended Syria to isolate the Arab nation diplomatically which was deemed an “excellent idea”, according to Saudi Arabian foreign minister al-Fasial.

Last month, the CIA-supported Free Syrian Army (FSA) was forced out of a Syrian government military compound. The FSA attempted to acquire the Syrian Army Headquarters; however the building was burned to the ground. Using improvised explosive devices (IEDs), the FSA detonated car bombs to torch the compound.
Mohammed Morsi, Muslim Brotherhood operative and president of Egypt, created the Islamic Quartet of regional powers; as a think-tank under the guise of wanting to end the violence in the region. However, this consortium of interested persons have not produced a “specific plan of action.”
The rhetoric coming from the globalists at the UN claimed that the Syrian government was choosing the “path of war” in not acquiescing to the proxy takeover the their Arab nation by the Zionist regime. Edmond Mullet, UN peacekeeping chief said: “It is clear that both sides have chosen the path of war, open conflict, and the space for political dialogue and cessation of hostilities and mediation is very, very reduced at this point.”
Concerning the Syrian proxy war, Russia and China have remained adamant that they disagree with the stance of the Zionist regime that the conquest of this sovereign nation is inevitable.
The FSA is fighting on behalf of the usurpers that demand the removal of Assad from power in Syria. In response, Assad has “stepped up” his forces in defense.
Russian representatives participating in the UN envoy remarked that the Zionist regime are destroying this nation and called for a diplomatic solution. UN-backed NGOs have continued to blame the Syrian government for the actions of the CIA-sponsored FSA by saying: “This horrific attack killed and wounded scores of civilians and destroyed a whole residential block. Yet again, Syrian government forces attacked with callous disregard for civilian life.”
The FSA secured the Turkish/Syrian border crossing after violent confrontation. It was believed that at this point, Obama would officially enter into a war with Syria instead of continuing to fund the covert proxy war.
Associates of the Zionist regime, Egypt, Turkey and Saudi Arabia are alienating Iran and Syria for their alliance with Russia and China.
A circulating video clip portrays Austin Tice, former US Marine and a freelance journalist who is being held captive after having gone missing in Syria. The propaganda media are refusing to reveal details about why a former Marine was captured in Syria, however they are quick to allege that Islamic extremists and jihadists are to blame.
Murder and sabotage have been the Modis Operani of the Zionist regime through the FSA who are no more than a state-sponsored terrorist faction working for the US government. Laurent Fabius, French foreign minister showed his support for the subversive war when he called for the assassination of Assad in August. Fabius said: “The Syrian regime must be smashed fast.”
The nations controlled by the Zionists are banding together to display their disdain as they finance the FSA through their go-to Islamic terrorists, al-Qaeda.
Disregard for international law and state-sponsored proxy wars in the name of democracy turn flourishing societies in the Middle East into a draconian police states.
Hillary Clinton, US Secretary of State, William Hague, British foreign minister and their royal Saudi associates are creating a destructive and violent area in Syria by funneling “aid” to assist the FSA and provide US and Israeli weapons and IEDs to murder innocent civilians in an orchestrated campaign that creates refugees.
UN-shill, Angelina Jolie was brought to Syria to confirm the problem with refugees with Antonia Guterres, UNHCR chief. In Turkey, an estimated 80,000 Syrians have fled and are living in make-shift camps. Jolie said: “With the violence in the conflict showing no signs of easing up and the numbers (of refugees) growing… it is a very large concern for all of us.”
Jolie reported the obvious, that the Syrians do not want to live in a camp and that they are “traumatized and the Turkish government spoke about doing much to assist them and work now with psychological assistance. This is also very important.” Stuffing Syrians into uncoordinated camps is taking its toll on the refugees.
The combination of the Zionist regime, consisting of the US, NATO and Israel is building against Russia, China and Iran as Syriaremains in the middle. Using al-Qaeda within the manufactured-terrorists, the Zionists are able to bomb and attack Syria covertly. The implementation of al-Qaeda shows that the US government is involved – albeit under covert operations.
Mossad originating from Tel Aviv are actively engaged in intelligence wars in the Middle East on behalf of the Zionists. They are collaborating with the CIA , keeping a “low profile” at the Syrian border.
The Syrian National Security headquarters was sacrificed in a bombing in July to murder kill key members of Syria’s security and military command. The FSA has focused on terrorizing and murdering the people of Syria as well as carry out assassinations based on NATO intelligence.
Russian, Chinese and Iranian television have recorded and relayed the psy-op campaign in Syria, which is why Zionist-controlled mainstream media have condemned their lack of propaganda. Controlled opposition infiltrates the alternative media as fake reports purvey across the board.
Saudi Arabian Prince Bandar, an integral element in the creation of al-Qaeda has been providing intelligence from the US to Zionist-controlled interests and manufactured terrorists as well as manipulating militant groups as shills for the US government. Bandar’s relationship to the Bush family is well-known since its exposure after the false flag committed by the US on 9/11.
Bandar’s participation in the furtherance of the FSA’s proxy war is evidenced in the intelligence he has assisted in moving across the Middle Eastern Arab nations. The Saudi government has become silent over rumors of Bandar’s death. It was understood that he helped smuggle remote controlled bombs into Syria for the FSA to use in Damascus.
