Thursday, 20 September 2012

Description of the Beloved PROPHET`S Blessed Physic

It is impossible to turn a blind eye to the fact that Beloved Prophet Muhammad (Praise and Peace be upon Him) is by far the most worthy and the greatest of all mankind, and that he is the most perfect of all, adorned with the most excellent virtues and qualities.
وأحسن منك لم تر قط عيني
I haven’t seen the lovely personality like you

وأجمل منك لم تلد النساء
And no mother have given birth to such a wonderful personality

خُلِقْتَ مبرءاً من كل عيب
You are created free from every fault

كأنك قد خُلِقْتَ كما تشاء
You were created, as you wanted to be
His physical description and character have been reported by many of his Companions and we are told that he was the most handsome man ever created, surpassing Prophet Yousuf Alaihis Salam for whom the women of the city cut their hands,

فلما سمعت بمكرهن ارسلت اليهن واعتدت لهن متكا واتت كل واحدة منهن سكينا وقالت اخرج عليهن فلما راينه اكبرنه وقطعن ايديهن وقلن حاش لله ما هذا بشرا ان هذا الا ملك كريم
And when she heard of their secret talk, she sent for them and prepared cushioned mattresses for them and gave a knife to each one of them and said to Yusuf, "Come out before them!" When the women saw him they praised him and cut their hands, and said, "Purity is to Allah - this is no human being; this is not but an honorable angel!" [Surah al-Yousuf, Verse 31]

A Green Turban Shaped round a Kullah, A Stick and A cotton Mantle or Cloak attributed to
Sayyiduna wa Mawlana Rasoolullah Sallallaho Alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallam
Beloved Prophet's Physical Description
  • His complexion was radiant.
  • His eyes were black... deep... widely set and naturally mascaraed with a slight tinge of pink... accentuated by long eyelashes.
  • His nose was distinctive.
  • His teeth evenly spaced.
  • His face was round with a broad forehead.
  • His beard was thick and reached his chest.
  • As for his chest and abdomen they were equal in size.
  • His shoulders were broad as was his chest.
  • His bones were large as were his arms.
  • The palms of his hands were thick as were the soles of his feet.
  • His fingers were long and his skin tone fair.
  • The hair between his chest and navel was fine.
  • He was of medium stature... however, when a tall person walked by his side the Prophet (Praise and Peace be upon Him) appeared to be the taller.
  • As for his hair it was neither curly nor straight.
  • When he laughed his teeth were visible like a flash of lightning or they have been described as white as hailstones.
  • His neck was balanced, neither broad nor fat, as for his body it was firm and did not lack firmness.

Burda Sharif (Cloak) of Sayyiduna Rasoolullah Sallallaho Alaihi wa Sallam stored under three beautiful Pure Gold Boxes and a Mantle having embroidery done with the threads of Gold placed in One Large Separate Room at Topkapi Museum, Istanbul, Turkey
Sayings of the N0ble Companions
about the beloved Prophet's blessed Physic

The following sayings are but a fraction of the multi narrations of the Companion's description of the Prophet (Praise and Peace be upon Him) although they are but a sampling, they are sufficient to convey the perception of his handsomeness. Everyone who met him said they had never seen anyone like him.

When the Companion Sayyiduna Bar'a Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anho saw a lock of the Prophet's hair resting on his red robe he commented,
ما رأيت من ذي لمة في حلة حمراء أحسن من رسول
"I have never seen anyone with a more beautiful lock of hair than his resting on a red robe."
Sunan Darimi, Vol. 1, Page 35
Dalail an-Nabuwwah lil Bayhaqi, Vol. 1, Page 315
Shamail Tirmidhi, Page 3

Sayyiduna Abu Hurayrah Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anho said,
ما رأيت شيئا أحسن من رسول الله ، كأن الشمس تجري في وجهه ، وإذا ضحك يتلألأ في الجدر
"I have never seen anyone more handsome than the Messenger of Allah, it was as though the sun was shining upon his face and when he laughed it reflected from the wall."

Musnad Imam Ahmad, Vol. 2, Page 350
Ibne Hibban, Vol. 8, Page 74
Muwahib al Laduniyah, Vol. 1, Page 271
Anwaarul Muhammadiyah, Page 133
Hashia Shamail Tirmidhi, Page 16
Sharha Shifa Mula Ali Qari, Hashia Naeemur Riyadh. Vol. 1 Page 338
Madarijun Nabuwwah (Persian) Page 12
Hujatullahi Ala al-Alameen, Page 689

The Blessed and Fragrant Hairs of Beloved Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallam
The beloved companion of the Prophet (SallAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam) Hadrat Anas (Radi Allahu Anhu) states,
لما كان اليوم الذى دخل فيه رسول الله المدينة أضاء منها كل شىء
"The day on which Prophet (SallAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam) arrived in Madinatul Munawwara. It was His Noor through which every thing in Madinatul Munawwara became bright."
Sunan Tirmidhi, Vol. 2, Page 202, Hadith 3978
Sunan Ibn Majah, Vol. 5, Page 201, Hadith 1700
Mishkaat al-Masabih, Page 547
Tabqaat ibn Sa'ad, Vol. 1, Page 221
Muwahibul ladaniyah, Vol. 1, Page 68
Anwaar al Muhammadiyah, Page 38
Seerate Halbia, Vol. 2, Page 234
Jawahir al Bihar, Page 60
Khasaisul Kubra, Vol. 1, Page 471
Madarijun Nabuiwah, Vol. 2, Page 81
Mustadrik, Vol. 3, Page 12

Ibn Asakir narrates from the Mother of the Believers, Sayyidah Ayeshah Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anha:
كنت أخيط في السحر فسقطت مني الابرة فطلبتها فلم أقدر عليها فدخل رسول الله فتبينت الإبرة بشعاع نور وجهه
"I was sewing when the needle fell. Despite searching, I was unable to find it. It was just then that the Messenger of Allah (SallAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam) came. From the light emanating from the Prophet's blessed face, I was able to see the needle.." [Khasais al-Kubra, Vol. 1, Page 109 | Sharha Shifa Hashiya Naseem ar-Riyadh]
Someone asked Jabir Ibn Samura Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anho,
كان وجهه مثل السيف ؟ فقال : لا ، بل مثل الشمس ، والقمر ، وكان مستديرا
"Was his face like a sword?" He replied, "No, it was like the sun and the moon, and round." [Sahih Muslim, Vol. 4, Page 1823]

Your face is as bright as the full moon
Let your grace and light fall on me soon

Umm Ma'bad Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anha, the lady from whom the description of the Prophet (Praise and Peace be upon Him) was more profuse, said,
أجمل الناس من بعيد ، وأحلاه ، وأحسنه من قريب
"Even from a distance he was the most beautiful of people, and as he drew near it was apparent that he was the most handsome." [Dalail an-Nabuwwah lil Bayhaqi, Vol. 1, Page 279]
Abi Hala's son said,
يتلألأ وجهه تلألؤ القمر ليلة البدر
"His face glowed like the full moon." [Shamail Tirmidhi, Page 21]

AsSalatu wa asSalamu Alaiku Ya Sayyidi Ya Habeebi Ya RasoolALLAH
SallAllahu Alaihi wa Aalihi wa SaHbihi wa Baraaka wa Sallam
Sayyiduna Ibn Abbas Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anhu states,
إذا تكلم رئى كالنور يخرج من بين ثناياه
"When the Beloved of Allah (SallAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam) used to speak then noor could be seen emerging from between his blessed teeth."
Dalail an-Nabuwwah, Vol. 1, Page 162, Hadith 141
Sunan Darimi, Vol. 1, Page 70, Hadith 59
Shamail Tirmidhi, Vol. 1, Page 16
The fourth khalifa of Islam, Hadrat Sayyiduna Mawla Ali al-Murtuda may Allah honor his face, said at the end of his description of the Prophet (Praise and Peace be upon Him)
من رآه بديهة هابه ، ومن خالطه معرفة أحبه ، يقول ناعته : لم أر قبله ، ولا بعده مثله
"Anyone who came upon him by chance became filled with timidity towards of him and those who kept company with him loved him."
 [Shamail Tirmidhi, Page 21]
None like you was ever seen or created;
Authority stands in your person consummated.

May Allah illuminate my heart and yours, and increase our love for this Noble Prophet Praise and Peace be upon Him and keep us firm on the Maslak-e-Haqq Ahl as-Sunnah wa al-Jama'ah... Aameen!!

— — —
Excerpted from:
Al-Shifa bi Ta'rifi Huqooqil Mustafa, Part 1, Section 2
by Imam Qadhi Iyad al-Maliki Alaihir raHmah wa ar-Ridwan


In the following piece of work, We have given a detailed description of the gorgeous eyes of our Noble Prophet Muhammad (May Allah give him peace & blessings) that were described by many of his companions, and We have explained the Arabic terms used in Arabic to describe them:

1. The beautiful eyes were “wide” and “large” described as [1]"عظيمُ العَينَيْن" and [2]"كانتْ عَينَاهُ نَجْلَاوَين".

2. The Iris was "extremely black" described as [3]"أدْعَجُ العَين" and [4] "أسودُ الحَدَقًة" however the former more precisely means “a large eye with a dark black Iris having an extremely white sclera” "أدعج العين شديد سواد حدقتهما لكن قيد مع سعة العين وشدة بياضهما ".[5]

3. The sclera -white part of the eye- had a touch of redness in it described as [6]"أشْكًلُ العَيْن", [7]"مُشرّبُ العَينِ بِحُمْرَة" and "كانَ فِي عَينَيْهِ تَمَزُّجٌ من حُمْرَة".

Shu`ba once asked Simak about the meaning of "أشْكًلُ العَيْن" to which he said: “an eye that has a long eyelashes”. Qadhi `Iyyadh commented: this is a misapprehension (wahm) by Simak and the sound view is that the word "شَكلًة" in Arabic means to have a complexion of redness in the eye as the entire scholars have agreed to and this is what the entire scholars of the science of unusual Arabic literary (al-Gharib) have concurred on. The word "شَهلَة" is used to describe a touch of redness in the Iris. Redness in the eye is a praiseworthy attribute and a handsome quality according to the Arabs.[8]

Hafiz al-`Iraqi considered this redness one of the signs of the Prophet hood. When the Noble Prophet travelled with Maysara to Basra, Rahib questioned him whether he had some redness in his eyes, upon knowing, he affirmed that he is the promised Messenger.[9]

4. The eyelashes were “long” and “full” described as "أًَهْدَبُ الأَشفار" .[10]

5. The eyelashes were naturally dark black as if kuhl had been applied to them described as "أكْحل العَينَين" [11]
6. The blessed eyebrows were “long” and shaped like a “bow” described as"أزَجّ الحَواجِب" [12]. Al-Qamus defines “azajj” as “bow shaped and long” and al-Sihah defines it as “thin and long”. [13] Al-Fa’q defines it as “fine eyebrows that lead onto the end of the eye”.[14] Munawi adds “plenteous in hair and far stretched”.[15]

7. The eyebrows were “fine” and not “thick” described as "دَقِيقَ الحَاجِبَين".

8. The eyebrows were “perfect” and “never met in the middle” above the nose, described as "سَوابِغَ في غيرِ قَرَن"[16].

Sayyiduna `Ali, Umm Ma`bad and Suwayd bin Gafalah reported that the Noble Prophet’s eyebrows (upon him be peace & blessings) did meet, giving the Arabic description "مقرُونَ الحاجِبَين". However, the scholars have explained the sound view is that they “did not” meet and reconciled between the two reports by saying that if one was to “attentively” look at the eyebrows, he would realise that there was a “thin white gap” between them, otherwise it appeared as if they met.[17] The word that describes the non-meeting of the eyebrows in Arabic is "بَلج" and thus "أبلَج الحواجب".[18]

9. In the affairs of Allah, the beloved’s anger would appear as such that a vane would clearly appear filled by blood in between his eyebrows rising over his forehead, described as "بَينهما عِرقٌ يُدِرُّه الغَضَب".

Our Beloved Prophet's eyes (upon him be peace & blessing) were mentioned by many poets in Persian, Arabic and Urdu. Among the great Gnostics who often made mention of the precise details of the eyes were Pir Sayyid Mehr `Ali Shah in his Punjabi odes which he penned after seeing the Noble Mustafa in just outside Madina in Wadiy Hamra, and the great Mujaddid Imam Ahmad Ridha especially in his Qasida Salamiya, in which he described the entire hilya. The people of the subcontinent are always overwhelmed by these odes as much that my personal experience is that hair lifts up on my skin and tears fill my eyes when passionately sang.

Pir Sayyid Mehr Ali Shah says;
“The Beloved’s bow-shaped eyebrows appeared before me
And it seemed though the lashes were firing arrows”


[1] Narrated Bayhaqi on the authority of Sayyiduna `Ali ibn Abi Taalib & cited by `Ali Qari in Jam` al-Wasa’il (1:55)
[2] Qadhi Yusuf Nabhani cited this wording in Wasa’il al-Wusul p63
[3] As in a narration of `Umar bin Khattab and `Ali ibn Abi Talib
[4] As in a narration of Sayyiduna `Ali ibn Abi Talib
[5] Mulla `Ali Qari, Jam` al-Wasa’il (1: 31)
[6] Narrated by Tirmidhi in his Shama’il on the authority of Jabir ibn Samura. Ibn al-Athir also affirmed that Ashkal means “a touch of redness” in al-Nihaya.
[7] Narrated by Bayhaqi on the authority of Sayyiduna `Ali ibn Abi Taalib & cited by `Ali Qari in Jam` al-Wasa’il (1:55)
[8] `Ali Qari in Jam` al-Wasa’il and Munawi in Sharh al-Shama’il (1: 55)
[9] Munawi’s Sharh al-Shama’il, 1:55
[10] This explanation to the word "أهدَب" was given by `Ali Qari in Jam` al-Wasa’il (1: 32) and is also understood by the following narration cited by Yusuf al-Nabhani in Wasa’il al-Wusul p63: "وكان أهدب الأشفار حتي تكاد تلتبس من كثرتها". This description was given by Sayyiduna `Ali in the popular narration of the Hilya narrated by Tirmidhi.
[11] In a narration of Abu Hurayrah, and narration of Jabir bin Samurah cited by Tirmidhi
[12] In the popular Hilya narration by Hind bin Abi Haala cited by Tirmidhi.
[13] `Ali Qari in Jam` al-Wasa’il (1:43)
[14] Munawi in Sharh al-Shama’il (1:43)
[15] Ibid
[16] In the popular Hilya narration of Hind bin Abi Haala cited by Tirmidhi.
[17] Ibn al-Athir in al-Nihaya, Yusuf al-Nabhani in Wasa’il al-Wusul p 73, `Ali Qari in Jam` al-Wasa’il (1:44)
[18] `Ali Qari, Jam` al-Wasa’il (1:44)

Eleven Signs of Love for the Beloved PROPHET PBUH

Someone who claims that he/she loves another will prefer that person to all others, he will also prefer what they like, if it were otherwise then he would be acting and his love would not be sincere. The following signs will be apparent in those who truly love the Prophet SallAllaho Alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallam,
First: The first sign of love for the Prophet SallAllaho Alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallam, is that he/she will follow his example, apply his prophetic way in words, deeds, obedience to his commands, avoidance of whatever he prohibited and adopt his manner in times of ease, hardship, joy and disappointment. Allah says, "Say (Prophet Muhammad, 'If you love Allah, follow me and Allah will love you." [Aal Imran : 31]

Second: The second sign is that he/she will set aside his own desires and appetite in preference to the law established and encouraged by the Prophet SallAllaho Alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallam. Allah says, "Those before them who had made their dwelling in the abode (City of Medina), and because of their belief love those who have emigrated to them; they do not find any (envy) in their chests for what they have been given and prefer them above themselves, even though they themselves have a need." [al Hashr : 9]

Third: The third sign is that a person's anger of others is only for the sake of seeking the pleasure of Allah. Anas, Malik's son was told by the Prophet SallAllaho Alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallam, "My son, if you can refrain from holding a grudge in your heart from morning to evening, then do so." He then added, "My son, that is part of my prophetic way. Whosoever revives my way has loved me, and whosoever loves me is with me in the Garden." [Sunan Tirmidh, Kitab al-Ilm, Vol 4, Page 151]

If a person possesses this fine quality, then he/she has perfect love for Allah and His Messenger. If he is found to be slightly lacking in this quality then his love is imperfect, but not devoid of it. The proof of this is found in the saying of the Prophet SallAllaho Alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallam, when a person faced punishment for imbibing. As the person was about to receive his punishment a man cursed the offender, whereupon the Prophet SallAllaho Alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallam, said, "Do not curse him. He loves Allah and His Messenger." [Sahih Bukhari, Kitab al-Hudood, Vol 3, Page 133]

Fourth: The fourth sign is that one mentions the Prophet SallAllaho Alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallam, in abundance – whosoever loves something, it is constantly upon his tongue. [Al Shifa bi Ta'reefi Huqooq al-Mustafa, Vol 2, Page 32]
Fifth: The fifth sign is yearning to meet the Prophet SallAllaho Alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallam. Every lover yearns to be with their beloved. When the tribe of Ash'arites approached Medina, they were heard chanting, "Tomorrow, we will be with those we love, Muhammad and his Companions!" [Dalail an-Nabuwwah lil Bayhaqi, Vol 5, Page 351]

Sixth: The sixth sign is that as well as the remembrance of the Prophet SallAllaho Alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallam, someone who loves him will be found praising and respecting him whenever he is mentioned and display humility, and lower himself when he hears his name. We are told by Isaac At -Tujibi that after the passing of the Prophet SallAllaho Alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallam, whenever the Companions heard his name they became humble, their skin trembled and they wept. As for the other followers of the Prophet SallAllaho Alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallam, some experienced the same out of love and yearning for him, whereas others did so out of respect and esteem. [Al Shifa bi Ta'reefi Huqooq al-Mustafa, Vol 2, Page 33]

Seventh: The seventh sign is the love expressed for the Prophet SallAllaho Alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallam, and the People of his House, and his Companions – the Emigrants (Muhajirun) and the Helpers (Ansar) alike for his sake. A person with this sign will be found hostile to those who hate them.

Of Al Hasan and Al Hussain, may Allah be pleased with them, the Prophet SallAllaho Alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallam, said, "O Allah, I love them, so please love them."

Sahih Bukhari, Kitab al Manaqib, Vol 5, Page 23
Sahih Muslim, Kitab al Fadhail, Vol 4, Page 1883
Sunan Tirmidhi, Kitab al Manaqib, Vol 5, Page 327

Al-Hasan said that the Prophet SallAllaho Alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallam, also said, "O Allah, I love him, so love the one who loves him." Of his two grandsons, the Prophet SallAllaho Alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallam, also said, "Whosoever loves them, loves me." Then he said. Whosoever loves me, loves Allah. Whosoever hates them hates me and whosoever hates me hates Allah." 

Muqaddam Sunan Ibn Maja, Vol 1, Page 51
Majma' az-Zawaid, Vol 9, Page 180

The Prophet SallAllaho Alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallam, said, "Do not make my companions targets after me! Whosoever loves them loves them it is because they love me, and whosoever hates them it is through their hatred of me. Whosoever harms them, harms me. Whosoever does something to hurt me does it is as if it is hurtful to Allah. Whosoever does something that appears to be hurtful to Allah is about to be seized."

Sunan Tirmidhi, Kitab al Manaqib, Vol 5, Page 358
Musnad Ahmad, Vol 5, Page 54

Of his family, the Prophet SallAllaho Alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallam, said referring to Hadrat Fatima, may Allah be pleased with her, "She is part of me, whosoever hates her hates me."

Sahih al Bukhari, Kitab al Manaqib, Vol 5, Page 24
Sahih Muslim, Kitab Fadhail as-Sahaba, Vol 4, Page 1903

The Prophet SallAllaho Alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallam, told Hadrat Ayesha to love Osama, Zaid's son because he loves him. [Sunan Tirmidhi, Kitab al-Manaqib, Vol 5, Page 342]

The Prophet SallAllaho Alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallam, spoke of the Helpers (Ansar) saying, "The sign of certain faith is love for the Ansar, whereas the sign of hypocrisy is hatred for them."

Sahih al Bukhari, Kitab al Manaqib, Vol 5, Page 27
Sahih al Bukhari, Kitab al Iman, Vol 1, Page 9
Sahih Muslim, Kitab al Iman, Vol, Page 85

Omar's son tells us that the Prophet SallAllaho Alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallam, said, "Whosoever loves the Arabs loves them because he loves me. Whereas whosoever hates them hates them because of their hatred of me." [Al Shifa bi Ta'reefi Huqooq al-Mustafa, Vol 2, Page 34]

The fact is when someone loves another, he loves everything that person loves, and this was indeed the case with the Companions. When Anas saw the Prophet SallAllaho Alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallam, eating a piece of pumpkin, he said, "From that day I loved pumpkins." [Al Shifa bi Ta'reefi Huqooq al-Mustafa, Vol 2, Page 34]

Al-Hasan, the grandson of the Prophet, may the peace of Allah be upon them, went with Jafar to Salma and asked her to prepare some food the Prophet SallAllaho Alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallam, used to eat. [Shamail Tirmidhi, Page 155]

Omar once saw the Prophet SallAllaho Alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallam, wearing a pair of yellow coloured sandals, so he too wore a pair of the same colour.

Sahih al Bukhari, Kitab al-Libas, Vol 7, Page 132
Sahih Muslim, Kitab al-Hajj, Vol 2, Page 844

Eighth: The eighth sign is hatred of anyone who hates Allah and His Messenger, praise and peace be upon him. Such people are those who show hostility towards to Allah and His Messenger. Believers having this sign avoid all who oppose the prophetic way, and are in opposition to those who introduce innovations into the prophetic way (that are against the spirit of Islam) and find the law he established burdensome. Allah says, "You shall find no nation believing in Allah and the Last Day loving anyone that opposes Allah and His Messenger." [al Mujadilah : 22]

Ninth: The ninth sign is found in those who love the Qur'an which the Prophet SallAllaho Alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallam, brought, by which the Prophet and they were guided. When asked about the Prophet SallAllaho Alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallam, Hadrat Ayesha, may Allah be pleased with her, said, "His character was that of the Qur'an." Part of the love of the Qur'an is listening to its recitation, acting according to it, understanding it, keeping within its bounds and the love of Prophet Muhammad's way. [Al Shifa bi Ta'reefi Huqooq al-Mustafa, Vol 2, Page 35]

Sahl, Abdullah's son spoke of this sign saying, "The sign of loving Allah is love of the Qur'an. The sign of loving the Qur'an is the love of the Prophet. The sign of loving the Prophet SallAllaho Alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallam, is love of his prophetic way. The sign of loving the prophetic way is the love of the Hereafter. The sign of loving the Hereafter is hatred for this world. The sign of hatred for this world is that you do not amass any of it except for provisions and what you need to arrive safely with in the Hereafter." [Al Shifa bi Ta'reefi Huqooq al-Mustafa, Vol 2, Page 35]

Masood's son said, "No one needs to ask himself about anything other than the Qur'an, if he loves the Qur'an then he loves Allah and His Messenger" praise and peace be upon him.[Bayhaqi fil Aadaab, Page 522]

Tenth: The tenth sign of love for the Prophet SallAllaho Alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallam, is to have mercy on his nation by advising them well, striving for the betterment of their interest and removing anything that is harmful from them in the same way that the Prophet SallAllaho Alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallam, was "gentle and merciful to the believers." [al-Taubah : 128]

Eleventh: The eleventh sign of perfect love is found in whosoever restricts himself through self-denial, preferring poverty to the attractions of the world. The Prophet SallAllaho Alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallam, told Abu Sa'id Al Khudri, "Poverty for those of you who love me flows quicker than a flood from a mountain's peak to its base." [Sunan Tirmidhi, Kitab az-Zuhd, Vol 4, Page 7]

A man came to the Prophet SallAllaho Alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallam, and said, "O Messenger of Allah, I love you." The Prophet SallAllaho Alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallam, warned, "Be careful of what you say." The man repeat his love for him thrice, whereupon the Prophet SallAllaho Alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallam told him, "If you love me prepare yourself quickly for poverty."[Sunan Tirmidhi, Kitab az-Zuhd, Vol 4, Page 7]

O Dear Almighty ALLAH! We ask you of filling our Hearts with the true and immense Love of your Beloved Habeeb Kareem Alaihi afDalus Salati wat Tasleem. Keep us alive on His Sunnah and bless us with the death on Iman in the Beloved City of your Beloved Prophet SallAllaho Alaihi wa Sallam and make our Cessation with Ahl al-Baqee’ ash-Sharif… Aameen!!
