Thursday, 21 June 2012


This ad named “For the Love of Music” plays frequently on the Australian TV station [V]. It is directed by Marco Brambilla, an artist that is very sought after by advertisers and record labels for his trademark “video tableaux”. In fact, he directed Kanye West’s very symbolic video Power   – see the article entitled Kanye West’s “Power”: The Occult Meaning of its Symbols). This ad however takes things to another level. It is full of symbols and messages representing the hidden forces that control the music industry.  See for yourself:

This tableau apparently represents rock & roll. Why is hell full of rockers? Did they sell their soul to the Devil? Among the most recognizable figures are Kurt Cobain and Johnny Cash. This last singer was a devout Christian so it is rather odd to have him play in hell. Also, why is there a crucifix surrounded by fire down there?
As it was the case for Kanye West’s video Power, the symmetry and the perspective lines in this Brambilla work conceal occult symbolism. In this following image, we can recognize the Illuminati’s most recognizable symbol.

The lines created by the rock formation above the Devil (highlighted by white lines) form a triangular shape. At the apex of it, a single eye is creepily watching the viewers.
Above the eye is a tableau representing electronic music with DJ’s and legions of dancers underneath them.
The tableau conceals a pyramidal shape (which I highlighted with white lines). At the base are dancers (or the masses) and at the top is an illuminated capstone and a solar eclipse acting as the eye in the pyramid.
The main figures of this tableau are Daft Punk, a duo that often laces it shows with not-so-subtle symbolism.
We find the same layout and symbols in this classic Masonic engravement.
Moving around on the stairs are 2Pac and Biggie, arguably (well, not arguably) the two most important figures of rap history. There is however a figure above them, at the top of the stairs: A huge Kanye West drenched in light. Does this represent Kanye West being “recruited” by the Illuminated while 2Pac and Biggie being stuck on in the staircase? Is this why they are both dead now? Is this why their murders were never resolved? Hmmmm.
Above this tableau is the “heavens”, filled with pop stars such as Lady Gaga, micael jackson and Britney Spears – all stars that were (or still are) heavily controlled by the industry.
In short, this ad manages to pack in a minute and 45 seconds an incredible amount of symbolism and hidden messages regarding the music industry and the shady secret society that controls it. If most viewers won’t recognize a single symbol in this ad, those who have “eyes to see” understand that it hides in plain sight some of the industry’s darkest secrets.

the agenda of america & israel:BREAK SYRIA INTO PIECES

The break up of Syria into five statelets was first proposed in Oded Yinon’s “a Zionist strategy for the nineteen eighties” in February 1982 and endorsed by the the World Zionist Congress held in Kivunim, Israel on that date. This policy proposal  was further refined in the Israeli document entitled “a clean break, a new strategy for the realm” drafted in 1996 by Richard Perle, Douglas Feith, Meyrav and David Wurmser, J. Colbert & co.and became Netanyahu’s electoral campaign policy strategy. The same neocon (more appropriately Ziocon) authors reiterated the need for the destruction of Syria in their following strategy paper Project for a New American Century, 1999, which became official US foreign policy under Bush jnr.s’ administration  and has been openly adopted by Obama. So what was originally an Israeli strategy is now US official foreign policy !

–  Said Zulficar
A timely article in the Jerusalem Post last month brings to the forefront the unspoken objective of US foreign policy, namely the breaking up of Syria as a sovereign nation state –along ethnic and religious lines– into several separate and “independent” political entities. The article also confirms the role of Israel in the process of political destabilization of  Syria.  The JP article is titled: “Veteran Kurdish politician calls on Israel to support the break-up of Syria‘ (by Jonathan Spyer) (The Jerusalem Post (May 16, 2012)

The objective of the US sponsored armed insurgency is –with the help of Israel– to “Break Syria into Pieces”.

The “balkanisation of the Syrian Arab Republic” is to be carried out by fostering sectarian divisions, which will eventually lead to a “civil war” modelled on the former Yugoslavia. Last month, Syrian “opposition militants” were dispatched to Kosovo to organize training sessions using the “terrorist expertise” of the US sponsored Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) in fighting the Yugoslav armed forces. 

Sherkoh Abbas, President of the US based Kurdistan National Assembly of Syria (KNA)  has “called on Israel  to support the break-up of Syria into a series of federal structures based on the country’s various ethnicities.” (Ibid)
One possible ”break-up scenario” pertaining to Syria, which constitutes a secular multi-ethnic society, would be the formation of separate and  “independent” Sunni, Alawite-Shiite, Kurdish and Druze states:   “We need to break Syria into pieces,” Abbas said. (Quoted in JP, op. cit., emphasis added).
“The Syrian Kurdish dissident argued that a federal Syria, separated into four or five regions on an ethnic basis, would also serve as a natural “buffer” for Israel against both Sunni and Shi’ite Islamist forces.” (Ibid.).
Ironically, while Islamist forces are said to constitute the main threat to the Jewish State, Tel Aviv is providing covert support to the Islamist Free Syrian Army (FSA).

Meeting behind Closed Doors at the US State Department
A top level US State Department meeting was held in May with members of the Syrian Kurdish opposition. In attendance were representatives of the Kurdish National Council (KNC),  Robert Stephen Ford, the outgoing US ambassador to Syria (who has played a key role in channelling support to the rebels) as well as Frederic C. Hof, a former business partner of richard armitage, who currently serves as the administration’s “special coordinator on Syria”. (Ibid). The delegation also met with Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs Jeffrey Feltman.
Frederic C. Hof, Robert Stephen Ford and Jeffrey Feltman are the State Department’s key Syria policy-makers, with close links to the Syrian Free Army (SFA) and the Syrian National Council (SNC).
Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs Jeffrey Feltman
Frederic C. Hof, The Administration’s “special coordinator on Syria”

Robert S. Ford, outgoing US Ambassador to Syria
The public statements of KNA leader Sherkoh Abbas in the wake of the State Department meeting suggest that the political fracturing of the Syrian Arab Republic along ethnic and religious lines as well as the creation of an “independent Kurdistan” were discussed. “State Department Deputy Spokesman Mark Toner described [the meeting's] purpose as part of ‘ongoing efforts… to help the Syrian [Kurdish] opposition build a more cohesive opposition to Assad.’”  (Ibid).
The KNA leader called upon Washington to support the creation of a separate Kurdish State consisting of  “an autonomous region in Syria; joining the Kurdistan Regional Government in Iraq – which borders the Kurdish region in Syria; or perhaps an even larger Kurdish state” [Greater Kurdistan]. “The Kurdish people, in all parts of Kurdistan, seek the right to form an independent Kurdish state.
We can only achieve this cherished goal with the help of the western democracies, and first and foremost the U.S.” said Sherkoh Abbas. (Syria: An Alternative, Choice,, May 22, 2012)
It is worth noting, in this regard, that the creation of a “Greater Kurdistan” has been envisaged for several years by the Pentagon as part of a broader “Plan for Redrawing the Middle East”.(See map 2 below). This option, which appears unlikely in the near future, would go against the interests of Turkey, a staunch ally of both the US and Israel. Another scenario, which is contemplated by Ankara would consist in the annexation to Turkey of parts of Syrian Kurdistan. (See map above).
“Greater Kurdistan” would include portions of Iran, Syria, Iraq and Turkey as conveyed in Coronel  Ralph Peters (ret) celebrated map of “The New Middle East” (see below). (For Further details see Mahdi Nazemroaya’s November 2006 Global Research article).
Colonel Peters taught at the US Military Academy.

- by Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya – 2006-11-18
TowaMap 2. The New Middle East
rds the balkanization (division) and finlandization (pacification) of the Middle East
The above map was prepared by Lieutenant-Colonel Ralph Peters. It was published in the Armed Forces Journal in June 2006,
Peters is a retired colonel of the U.S. National War Academy. (Map Copyright Lieutenant-Colonel Ralph Peters 2006).
Although the map does not officially reflect Pentagon doctrine, it has been used in a training program at NATO’s Defense College for senior military officers.
This map, as well as other similar maps, has most probably been used at the National War Academy as well as in military planning circles.
