Thursday, 2 February 2012

fazlurehman,A TRAITOR IN DISGUISE (musawer iqbal)

fazlurehman! the chairman of the so called jamiat ulama e pakistan has a long history of his & his fathers hatred towards pakistan,his father mufti mahmood who was the spear head of the cogressi mullahs was against the 2 nation theory & the concept of making pakistan.he very openly said after pakistan was made that we r not involved in the crime of making pakistan & at the same time he was part of the political activities in the country,HYPOCRISY AT ITS BEST
now fazlurehman ! following the footsteps of his father has been involved in every government since the last 15 years enjoying different ministries of their own choice & blacking the governments to enjoy the privileges.

watch  this video carefully & then decide what should the pakistani nation make of these corrupt hyporatic so called mullahs who use the name of islam to full fill their dirty desires.


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