by Dave Hodges
Much has been written about the past wars that have been fought over oil (e.g. Gulf War 1), the wars that are presently being fought over oil (e.g. Arab Spring) and the wars which will be fought over oil (e.g. Syria and Iran). What is missing from most conversations is that the wars of the future will be fought over water, leaving oil as a secondary consideration.

The United States is also being pulled into this unhealthy paradigm of an artificially contrived water shortage, through outright theft, government assisted privatization and subsequent hording. Some local American municipalities are already experiencing similar rate increases which are common in the third world. Just how this is being accomplished and what this means for the United States, is the topic of Part 3 of this series.
Much has been written about the past wars that have been fought over oil (e.g. Gulf War 1), the wars that are presently being fought over oil (e.g. Arab Spring) and the wars which will be fought over oil (e.g. Syria and Iran). What is missing from most conversations is that the wars of the future will be fought over water, leaving oil as a secondary consideration.
According to the United Nations research and scientific studies, nearly two-thirds of the entire population inhabiting the planet will face severe, life-threatening water shortages by the year 2025. The reasons most often cited for the water shortages are waste and poor planning which will result in uneven distribution.
Presently this problem is primarily a third world problem. However, the UN report and other ancillary reports mentions that England faces serious water shortages and the United States is not far behind England. Even the Defense Intelligence Agencyhas clearly echoed the dire warnings of the United Nations report by stating that unstable water supplies will greatly impact all and water will subsequently be used as weapon. The DIA report evoked a reaction from Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, as she commented the DIA’s findings are “sobering” and that as the world’s population continues to expand, the demand for water will increase but fresh water supplies will not keep pace. Please note that the globalists never miss an opportunity to promote the false paradigm of overpopulation in order to justify their depopulation agenda. Clinton went on to comment that as water shortages will lead to regional conflicts and violence between nation states and within nation states.
One has to tip their hat to the globalists for their dynamic and flexible approach to achieve total global domination. As the world tires of the phony excuses to fight the banker inspired wars over oil, the globalists have shifted their strategy to appeal to human beings’ basic instinct, the inherent need to possess food and water in order to survive. Clinton, the United Nations and the Defense Intelligence Agency are nicely setting the table for what is to come; a planned global water shortage which will follow these thinly veiled justifications from these three intertwined globalist controlled entities.
In reality, the plan to bring the world to its knees through the global elite’s creation of artificial water shortages, is already underway. The reports from the DIA and the UN should be labeled status reports, instead of futuristic projections. Consider the following water-related facts from an existing set of realities. Twenty percent of the world’s population, presently lacks access to an adequate supply of clean drinking water. Global water consumption is doubling every 20 years, more than twice the rate of human population growth.
The abovementioned facts can be exploited by the globalists through controlling water supplies and creating more artificial shortages. The globalist plan to bring the world to its knees by controlling water is already bearing fruit as 31 countries currently face water scarcity. Globalist industries have been doing their part to ferment this conspiracy as more than half the world’s major rivers are either dead or are hopelessly polluted. More evidence to support the notion that the globalist plan is working is evidenced by the fact that, in third world countries, water borne illnesses account for most deaths. Water safety issues are being exacerbated and the death curve is dramatically spiking. Tragically, these deaths are almost completely preventable. As both the UN and DIA reports mention, that by 2025, two-thirds of the world’s population will live in absolute water scarcity and accompanying food shortages. There will no shortage of willing and desperate soldiers to fight in the coming water wars.
The globalists plan for complete global domination is brilliant. Their plan is incredibly evil due to the hundreds of millions, if not billions, who will perish, but it is very brilliant.
Part one of this series, demonstrated the first step of the plan which entails the loan sharking of naive nations through banker manipulation and fraud. Bolivia was the case in point as it defaulted on its World Bank obligations, their water supplies went into receivership, controlled by the globalists, and prices skyrocketed by 400%. This scheme is also underway in Lima, Peru, where the typical poor family pays private vendors up to $3 per cubic meter to collect contaminated water in buckets while the elite pay 30 cents per cubic meter for treated water that pours out of taps in their homes. Also, in India, some families spend a quarter of their income on water. Debt manipulation, for the ultimate purpose of controlling water, is not just in play in the third world. The derivative debt has paralyzed the economies of Europe and the United States. Debt default, followed by the banker bailouts. How long will it be until the globalists have to bail out the American economy while we continue on our trek towards unsustainable debt? When America’s economy falters, the bankers, armed with their central bank printing presses, will come to the rescue. The price for their intervention, judging by what happened in Bolivia, will be total control over our infrastucture. Collecting rainwater and purifiying stream water to drink, will become illegal acts. All water will be obtained through the public private partnership corporations and you can bet, as history has set the precedent, will get very expensive.
The DIA report prominently mentions that agriculture uses 70% of the world’s water supply. Therefore, it follows that water shortages will quickly lead to food shortages. And what do the globalists see as the solution to the resulting food crisis which will follow on the heels of the contrived water shortages? The globalists are using this opportunity to promote drought resistant GMO crops. That is right, they are promoting GMO’s on the heels of artificially contrived water shortages! So, if you don’t die of thirst or break the family budget by attempting to obtain water, you will increasingly find yourself being poisoned by toxic, draught resistant GMO’s. These are the same GMO’s, when examined in French longitudinal studies that demonstrated that lab rats who consumed GMO’s developed fatal tumors and died. Again, the brilliance of this plan is stunning in which an artificial water shortage is created and the public will clamor for GMO drought resistant crops.
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